My Brand/Mantra


My Mantra/Brand for addressing digital citizenship is:

Building Character Awareness Respectfully Evolving with technology.

When I was thinking about my brand and mantra for this course I really want to focus it around character development. It is my opinion that building character is the foundation of having a good digital citizen. There were so many topics in this course that made me truly think about how I address digital citizenship with my students and parents at my campus. My mantra has the acronym C.A.R.E which is Building Character Awareness and Respectfully Evolving through technology. We C.A.R.E about Digital Citizenship. The connection is that by focusing on building character development and bringing awareness to the elements of digital citizenship, we can respectfully evolve by being digital citizens through technology usage. Character skills like honesty and integrity needs to be taught so that students can make a connection when learning the elements and how it applies to technology usage.